Ha Bu has never been to the doctor.

Ha Bu has never been to the doctor.

Since Ha Bu was a toddler, his parents felt something might be off. He was always getting bruised so easily, and they kept finding injuries on him that they didn’t how he’d gotten.

Ha Bu's family

Ha Bu’s family is part of the Yi minority people group, and they live far away from the big city in the countryside. As a minority, it has always been hard for Ha Bu’s family to get access to education, community support, and resources for their son.

A couple years after Ha Bu, his little brother was born. As they grew up together, it became even more evident that Ha Bu was not developing like he should be. But even though their oldest son was struggling, his parents never had the means to take him for a medical exam.

Our team first met Ha Bu’s family a few months ago, and Ha Bu is now around 10 years old. He has multiple healed injuries and scars, but still has never been to the hospital. He’s nonverbal, and seems to have a cognitive delay in addition to his physical condition.

We knew right away that our first suggestion for his family would be to get a full medical workup for Ha Bu and find out what is really going on for this sweet boy.

His family was fortunately willing to accept our help, so we plan to take Ha Bu and his parents to the hospital for the first time ever very soon. However, since his condition is quite unique, and he’s beyond early childhood, the cost of this medical check up will be quite high.

The cost of taking Ha Bu for his first ever hospital visit will be at least $750. Would you consider donating towards this need?

When we raise the funds for this hospital visit, two of our staff will take the 6 hour train ride to go visit Ha Bu and his family again. They will accompany Ha Bu and his parents to the nearby hospital and help them to get all the necessary appointments and ask all the important questions. Ha Bu’s parents do not read or write, so this in person help from our team is essential.

Our hope is that these medical check ups will provide some long overdue insight into Ha Bu’s needs, so we can work with his parents to get him the specific medications, therapy, medical attention, or whatever else he needs.

If you want to help Ha Bu get the medical attention he desperately needs, please follow this link to make a special gift today.

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