Ha Bu Needs Medical Attention

10 year old Ha Bu has never been to the doctor. Since Ha Bu was a toddler, his parents felt something might be off. He was always getting bruised so easily, and they kept finding injuries on him that they didn’t how he’d gotten.

Ha Bu's family

But Ha Bu’s family is from the Yi minority people group, and neither of his parents read or write. There are many social and economic barriers preventing them from getting their son the medical care he needs.

When he met Ha Bu a few months ago, he had multiple healed injuries and scars. He’s nonverbal, and seems to have a cognitive delay in addition to his physical condition.

His family is fortunately willing to accept our help, and our first suggestion is for Ha Bu to get a full medical workup and find out what is really going on for this sweet boy.

The cost of taking Ha Bu for his first ever hospital visit will be at least $750. Would you consider donating towards this need?

When we raise the funds for this hospital visit, two of our staff will be able to take the 6 hour train ride to go visit Ha Bu and his family again. They will accompany Ha Bu and his parents to the nearby hospital and help them to get all the necessary appointments and ask all the important questions.

Our hope is that these medical check ups will provide some long overdue insight into Ha Bu’s needs, so we can work with his parents to get him the specific medications, therapy, medical attention, or whatever else he needs.

If you want to help Ha Bu get the medical attention he desperately needs, please fill out the donation form below:

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Hope Station is organized as a nonprofit entity under the laws of the State of Minnesota and is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and corresponding Minnesota provisions.
Donors of cash and/or property are entitled to the maximum charitable contribution deduction allowed by law.

Tax ID / EIN : 46-0777491.

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