Rui Rui needs help finding her voice. Spend 1 minute with her and you’ll see how much she loves people. But she can only say a few words, and uses gestures and sounds to communicate the rest.
Rui Rui was diagnosed with developmental delay when she was 3 years old.
She lives with her loving mama and grandma. Her baba (dad) works construction, sometimes gone for weeks on end just to make ends meet. Though she is now 7 years old, she has never been to school because of her special needs.

Rui Rui’s mama reached out to us a month ago, eager for support.
Raising a child who is “different” was starting to take a toll on their whole family. In a culture where different = less than, Rui Rui’s lack of verbal communication skills limits her opportunities to connect with those around her.
It became clear as this mama shared her story that Rui Rui needs more than what she’s getting from the community. She attends speech therapy once a week, but it barely makes a dent in her progress. Adding one more therapy session each week would help her find her voice.

With just one more monthly sponsor, Rui Rui could get another weekly therapy session.
And, her family could get the encouragement and training they need to help Rui Rui reach her full potential.
Therapy costs for a child with special needs can reach tens of thousands of dollars each year for a family in the US. You can make a difference for Rui Rui and her family for just $40/month.
If you want to help Rui Rui find her voice, you can start sponsoring her family today.
Visit our sponsorship page to sign up or learn more about sponsorship.