Children’s Day in a Chinese Orphanage

Children’s Day in a Chinese Orphanage

With all the uncertainty and anxiousness of 2020 so far, our team decided it was time to make room for some happy! For Children’s Day (June 1st) this year we went all out to celebrate these amazing kids.

Every child in our partner orphanages received a gift that was handpicked for them, wrapped with their name written on top. Some of them may have never received a gift like that before. Our staff personally delivered them to the gate of each orphanage.

At the ZJ orphanage, they let Margarete and Talia through the gate and all opened their presents together! Ida got a princess dress up kit, crown and all. AJ and Daniel got toy cars of their own. Amos got a build-your-own airplane.

Ida got a princess dress up kit
AJ got 2 toy cars
Amos got a build-your-own airplane

At the DY orphanage, they received the gifts at the gate and then video called us so we could see the kiddos open their presents. Hope got a princess dress up set. Lillian got a make up set. Zion and Noah got toy cars. Ezra got a globe (he is ALWAYS asking us about flags and countries and languages). Danielle got barbies each with a different outfit.

The little boys got toy cars
Hope got a princess kit, Lillian got a makeup set
Zion was just happy to see us šŸ˜‰
Ezra got a globe
Danielle got barbies

The kids were absolutely overjoyed to open their presents, and we were overjoyed to hug them or watch their faces just light up on screen. Gifts don’t replace the in-person time we are missing out on with them. But it lets them know we are thinking of them and we love them.

LongLong got a remote control car
(Want to sponsor LongLong’s family?)

Each kiddo in our Family Strengthening Program were celebrated, too! With a visit to each family and a gift for each child, they all felt the love on Children’s Day.

XiaoHang got his very own speaker (he’s been known to steal his mama’s phone and hold it up to his ear for hours listening to music). LongLong got a remote control car. And JiaWang got a new play mat.

XiaoHang got a speaker
JiaWang got a play mat
(Want to sponsor JiaWang?)

Thank you to our incredible donors for your continued support this year. It’s a difficult time for many around the world, but because of your generosity the kids here are surviving this season with hope in their hearts.

Happy Children’s Day!

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