These families fight so hard for their child.
And most of the time… they fight alone.
Can you imagine going to school with your child everyday, traveling more than an hour away to therapy on school nights and weekends, constantly turning in paperwork and proof of your child’s diagnoses to anyone who questions, while your spouse works 60 hours a week just to pay for all of the extra support your child needs?
All the while you are questioning whether you are doing the right thing for them, finding the best classes for them, wondering if they’ll ever improve, worrying about the future, not knowing how the next day is going to turn out or if you’ll even be able to afford the next meal or therapy payment.
It’s all too much for anyone to handle.
One honest parent told us that she struggled with suicidal thoughts for a long time, hopeless and desperate for help with her son.
But then she heard about Hope Station… and everything changed.
No longer did she have to fight alone. She had people coming to visit her and her son every single month who encouraged her, helped her sort through government support applications, shared resources and training opportunities to help her grow as a parent, and so much more.
Raising a child with disabilities is a beautiful, difficult, one-of-a-kind journey. No parent should have to fight so hard or walk that road alone.
Your gift this year could help a child and their parents get the support that they are so desperate for.
With our goal of $23,000, we could serve twice as many families as we did this year. And thanks to some generous donors, every donation up to that amount before December 31 will be MATCHED!
Please consider a meaningful gift to support vulnerable children with disabilities and their families in China.